Between finishing school and my trip to Seattle, very little organized photo-shooting has been happening. This week was my first shoot since my "day in the life" shoot back in the middle of June. Feels like a long time. As I sat down to open up my photo folders on the computer, I realized how much I had missed it. Not only did I get to jump back in this week, but I got to do newborn photos, which are just so fun :)
This photo shoot actually took course over a few days. One night we met at the park to do family pictures, and a few days later we met to do individual baby pics. Both turned out better than I could have asked for.
That being said - I have one more thought to add before I share some photos. This is rather random - but I just LOVE summer photos. The ability to do all of my photos outdoors - even newborn photos - is incredible. All natural lighting, no worrying about flash and too-high-ISO and lightbulbs that make all your pictures look yellow - none of that. Of course, learning outdoor lighting is not without it's challenges, but I would take outdoor over indoor any day. No question.
Now that I am done ranting... enjoy!