Sunday, September 2, 2012

I'm Back

     "July 16," my last post reads. That means that over a month has passed since I last wrote on here. Photo World did not cease to carry on, not by any means. Rather, it took on a different form than normal. I travelled and went to a few different camps, and nearly every time my camera went with me. In addition, another really neat opportunity came up in the middle of August. My photo teacher, who taught the classes at my homeschool group, allowed me to shadow him on two different photo shoots. I was able to see what he does on a shoot, and learn from him how he handles different lighting scenarios and such camera things. Although it was all incredibly helpful to learn, it took me a few days to process all the new tips and information, and to learn how to put it to use. The week after I shadowed him, I went to a summer camp with two of my brothers, still processing all that my teacher had showed me. I played and played with my camera, trying to perfect my lighting with every picture. Even now, I am continuing to learn and experiment with everything he taught me.
     I learned another thing this summer about photography. There is no "right" way to do it. I shadowed another photographer this spring, who does things very differently from my photo teacher. In addition, I have photographers within my extended family, who do things very differently from either of the previous two that I mentioned. With each photographer that I encounter, I admire their work, the quality and the style of their photos. And with each one I learn something new and different that I had not learned before. At the end of the day, though, the best way that I learn about photography is by experimenting and playing. Over and over again.
     I could go on and on about everything I learned about photography this summer, and about everyone who has aided me in this journey. But... that wouldn't be quite so much fun as showing you, through photos. Late this August, about a week and a half ago, I finally did another photo shoot. I didn't realize how much I had missed doing shoots until I got back into it. This time, I did a 4-year-old little girl, who is... how should I say it... adorable? Precious? Only photos can really describe her accurately  :)

Hoping to have some more photo shoot/posts for you soon!