Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Finally Back

    I confess - I was a really bad photographer and I neglected my blog for two and a half months... Yes, I have been doing photo shoots since my last post. In fact, since December 13th (the date of my last post) I have done five family/children photo sessions, two events/parties, one business photo session, and one birth. Definitely busy. But I was also reminded that first, before I am an aspiring photographer, I am a high school student. So the last few months have seen me trying to catch up/keep up with my work as a student. Thus, blogging was put on a back burner for a little while. I'm back now, and rather than show you every photo shoot I did, I am going to share just a few favorites from the past two months.

The beautiful, peaceful home birth that I attended this December

Some of my favorites from the various Christmas family photo shoots that I did this December...

And now into January - another family photo shoot...

And a birthday party with a nine-year old and twin one-year olds, and cupcakes. Dangerous combination, and oh-so much fun :)

     The last update I have for you is that there is now a business page on Facebook for Kaela Ann Photography. If you are a Facebook person, check it out! Believe it or not, it does get updated a bit more frequently than my blog! I will be back soon with more posts - I have yet to share the photo shoot that I did last week, with a tea party and two baby girls :) I promise, it will be less than two and a half months before I post it!