Thursday, December 13, 2012

Keeping Up

     In all honesty, photography is definitely one of the harder jobs that I could have picked to do for a part-time high school job. I could have picked something that had regular, consistent hours, instead of a photoshoot here and a photoshoot there. I could have picked something that didn't require my mom to run me all over the city and my brothers to get dragged along constantly. I could have picked something that didn't involve correspondence and email/text answering at irregular times throughout the day. I could have picked something a lot easier, maybe work at McDonalds or something.
     The reality is, I didn't. And even though this photoshoot life is crazy sometimes (ok, it's crazy all of the time), I feel so totally beyond blessed that I am able to do something that I love as my highschool job. My work is something that I enjoy, from connecting with people to taking pictures to spending hours on editing. I am thankful to my family because they put up with it in all of it's insanity. I am thankful to my mom because I could not do it without her. I am thankful for my parents that they homeschooled me, so that I have the opportunity to be flexible with my schedule and to pursue things that interest me (yes, my mom counts all of this photo time as school credit). And I am thankful to my  Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because ultimately all of this comes from Him. In all of it's craziness, photography is infinitely better than McDonalds.
     That's a little bit of background for you about my photo life as it currently stands. Now, to catch you up on the photos... :) I recently did a shoot with two families, a few all-together group shots, and a few of each family individually. When I got into the car, I immediately hit the review button on my camera and began flipping back through the pictures. When I got to the group photos of everyone together, I was so, so excited. Each and every person's face in the picture was clear and sharp. I counted the shoot as a success at that point :) That was just the first of many family/holiday photo shoots, and I will continue to post some over the next few weeks.

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